Hugh Drumm Apps

Rune (Text Messaging) 1.0
Hugh Drumm
Send text messages in the Elder FutharkRunicalphabet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!According to Wikipedia: "The Elder Futhark (or Elder Fuþark,OlderFuthark, Old Futhark) is the oldest form of the runicalphabets. Itwas a writing system used by Germanic tribes for thenorthwesternand Migration period Germanic dialects. Itsinscriptions are foundon artifacts (including jewelry, amulets,tools, weapons, andrunestones) from the 2nd to 8th centuries."A few notes:There are no numbers. Rather, numbers are just spelled out.And the people who used this alphabet weren't big on punctuation,sono commas, quotes, apostrophes and the like.While there is a space bar provided on the keyboard, they eitherletall the symbols run together or words were separated with adot(also provided on the keyboard). Instead of a period to endasentence, you can use the two dots symbol (one more time,alsoprovided on the keyboard).The keyboard is laid out in three groups of eight keys. Eachrowcalled an aett. This seems to be how the runes areoftendisplayed.Again from Wikipedia: "The earliest known sequential listing ofthealphabet dates to 400 and is found on the Kylver StoneinGotland."The more you know...Also, if you don't have an unlimited data plan, standard usagerateswill apply.Both sender and recipient need to download the app to getthemessages.